Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ikariam Survival Guide

Ikariam Survival guideSurvival guide for beginners or players with low score Most observations of those that follow you all know but sometimes they miss. For those constantly attacked (farmed): 1.Ridicati wall at a decent (at a level somewhere 20) even in the city where the military focus and resources but do not tighten store resource pile. In case of attack you choose to build something that will consume as many resources and if revenues will allow troops to give commands. In the face of an attack imminent send them to another city or a colleague of the alliance stating you return them after the danger passes, send them to sell them, or, if you have not donated wood for the mine, so mine will contribute to the development but More resources will not allow the attacker to use them to man glory in it. When you send do not give a date when loading a large amount of resources, because the load will last and you might catch the enemy to resources port. Send series of 1-2 thousand (something other than wood that can be donated at the last minute on the island) for having time to save at least some of them, if not all. On islands where there are many colleagues of the alliance are and have constantly attacked and larger stocks of resources to increase each city and holds a rotating basis every 24 hours will move all resources and troops to guard them, that in extreme cases. 2.In case you have something army, but not big enough deal for an attack does not make sense to sacrifice.
You have several options to save or send it somewhere far away and return as ships after over, either send a time to defend a neighboring city, it is best to defend even the enemy city. Last version works applied and you are not online. Calculate the approximate time so his army return just when entering the game. Proceed as follows to gather enough for an army to fight the enemies though it is better to send the city a player more and less involved in conflicts. 3. If the enemy is not bored to attack, withdraw workers for a while and let them produce only gold. If you have nothing robbed or destroyed army certainly will get bored at some point to attack. 4. Try to talk to your opponent. Can not go, but who knows? Can you manage to convince him that the game would be more competitive and more fun if you could give a break to recover you. not resort to threats or insults because you will not only make the situation worse. 5. intention to participate in activities. - Visit the "Help" for information on building, research, description of units. - Exchange IM addresses and phone numbers for better relationships and communication and to be contacted in emergency situations. - Be smart and try not to repeat mistakes already made! Ikariam is an online strategy game, which means it plays in real time and you have to wait some hours at the computer, if you want to count. Account form in time and with patience. Also note that is a no-ending game and nobody can destroy anything in town. You can only be robbed or lose your army, but recovers and army resources to recover. - to reduce the risk of being robbed and to gain time evacuation is mandatory to have resources in each city at least one slinger (without a unit of defense city, the wall does not fall in battle) and a warship (landing troops prevent adverse out, forcing the attacker to attack ground ... better pitcher for low maintenance ... and later submarine invincibility) - build two or three warehouses and upgrade them to levels at least 15 to 20, as you develop, you give up one or two of them, depending on the tactics addressed - build a hideout and upgrade at least to the Mayor, ideally to increase the maximum level 32 (the clan must be equal to the number of spies create), the building reduces to zero the risk of being spied and will allow to turn your intelligence to take action against other players - build commercial port and upgrade it at least in the Hall, with how the port is at a higher level, the more transport ships can load quickly - the city wall to be upgraded at least to the Hall, the walls are at a level as rises, so will last longer if a siege (remember that for the wall to enter the fight is necessary to have at least one pikeman in town) and will cause greater damage attacker - to accelerate the research, you initially build several Academies, will that as you grow to demolish them and keep only one tactic adopted depending on. - to upgrade troops, build workshop, after all troops have improved, the building may be demolished . BUILDINGS: In a city built are 15 spaces (14 spaces empty + 1 after investigating the bureaucracy) required to construct buildings in all cities are: - Hall: Each extension increases the number of citizens of the town hall - Palace / House Governor : each extension of the palace allows the foundation of a new colony residences governor should have the equal number of colonies founded, does not appear to corruption - City Wall: protect the city against enemy attacks - shipyard: construction allows warships (can quit construinduse site instead of the second port) - Commercial Port: allows sending and receiving of resources and purchasing transport ships - Tavern: increases satisfaction of city residents - Museum: increases satisfaction of city residents - Barracks: Allows creation of troops land (may be waived in the construction of one or more towns ... the players focused on a naval barracks, or even none, is enough) - Warehouse: store resources in town and some of them protect against attacks opponents (ideal a level 40 .. personally prefer 2 to level 40 ... the players are in quiet areas with many allies around where the risk of robbery is invalid only recommend superwarehouse) - Hideout: allows creation spies spy action that protects the city against opposing and are able to provide information within other cities (if you play with everything in sight ... this building may be missing ... but your opponents will always know what you have in town and where you're going ... so I do not recommend this option) buildings that enhance the production of resources: - House woodsman: wood production increased by 2% for each level of extension (optional) -  Crystal production increase by 2% for each level of expansion (optional, I recommend that compulsory towns on the islands with crystal) - Tower alchemist: sulfur production increased by 2% for each level of expansion (optional, I recommend that compulsory towns on islands with sulfur) - made: wine production increased by 2% each level of expansion (optional, I recommend that compulsory towns on islands with wine) - Career: marble production increase by 2% for each level of expansion (optional, I recommend that compulsory marble cities of the islands ) Buildings that morning demand for resources in the city: - Carpenter: decreases by 1% demand for wood for each level of extension (required for each city) - Optician: decreases by 1% crystal application for each level of expansion (an optional little trick would be around on each city to lev 32, and then lifting up academies at the highest level, followed by their demolition and erection of a building ... on the other islands of crystal players conducting experiments, as preferable if there might be stored) - Zone pyrotechnics test: decrease of 1% sulfur application for each level of expansion (optional, if there is room only on the island of sulfur barracks ideal high level .. 32) - press Fri: decreases by 1% demand of wine for each level of expansion (optional, ideal at 32 for players like me who have only two cities on the islands of wine and 8 cities on other islands to balance the production ratio of wine, drinking wine. 11th-century city .. I recommend you keep the colony furniture. If you adopt the strategy with three cities on wine, this building will be useless) - architect office: 1% decrease demand for marble for each level of expansion (optional, personal I recommend the 32 lev each city) Other buildings: - Embassy: allows entering an alliance and its internal page view, each level increases the number of embassy diplomacy points, at level 3 up, new alliances may be based alone is enough ... maximum lev ... 10 ... then you can raise up to lev 32 - point merchant: allows buying and selling of resources (optional, you can not point you any merchant or all cities by one .. advantage if you have one in each city case a busy port you can buy the others come from the market without you anymore til unlock cares to personally recommend a single port on one town to lev 17 which allows visualization offers a range of 9 islands round) - Academy : allow research, research process can be accelerated using crystal (optional, at least one academy, one on each city maximum) - Workshop: allow upgrade units, after all units have been upgraded, can be destroyed - Temple: allows to obtain divine favors; recommend building the temple on the islands have to wonder: a) forge of Hephaestus: improves both their combat units armor and damage caused by enemy b) Colossus: troops and ships scatter effects c) Poseidon: Increase speed transport vessels and fleet if activated before sending fleet in action (ideal for naval) d) Ares: Provides round moral and not allow scattering (naval hill where no kitchen) - Super Warehouse: can store many more great resources, but they are not protected against burglary.
Ikariam Survival
Ultimately holiday is also a solution. In the next version, unlike the holiday you can enter whether you are a way to attack. The attack will go through, but then other actions will be blocked, as in how V. 6. Pay attention to the number of attacks you get. If they exceed 6 / town / 24h is an abuse that can be reported. (Unless they said no war between alliances). 7. NO messages will give information by circular, confidential information - number of troops, time attacks, players attacked - will be discussed only in private messages only to alliance management and those who have announced.

A sustainable development

For players with low score, and others .. How to build account for sustainable development:
First, based resource capital island that appears to be adopting a different strategy:
If an account to achieve hit a marble island: lifted hall to a larger, and market to a bigger level, I think a 7 is a reasonable level and buy wine, or change the marble with neighbors to increase satisfaction with their city until investigated the extent to construction of new settlers. In this game marble has the highest rate of exchangeable and need to raise any city buildings
2 If you got the wine: lift hall to a larger buying gold and marble supplements investigated extension until ... you know the rest :) ... You can also exchange your island resources with colleagues to develop the first city
in March If you got the crystal ... necessarily raise as much academies to supplement the crystal, which allows to study more quickly and rapidly expand in April ... If you got on sulfur army recruit faster players and thus rob the inactive or active military free zone similar score, gaining resources to expand faster. City 2 ... is required to build on an island with marble. The only exception to the rule is when capital has emerged on the island with marble. In this case the city 2 will be built on the wine ... For the extra happiness from taverns City 3 ... Assuming that you already have a city and a marble on Fri ... if you recommend a developed world to be built on Christ, the higher price they can sell, or to accelerate research by raising academies .... if you have a city and one crystal marble or sulfur necessarily the wine happiness tavern on the City 4 ... Required resource not have it yet ... If you come with marble and crystal .. mandatory ... if you come with sulfur sulfur and marble, crystal necessarily marble city 5 ... really ... Supplement marble will be necessary to raise other cities City 6 ... Depending on how long the game and how you want to grow you have several options: A. .. Sulphur ... If you like warrior ... have more free time ... so you can develop the resources opponents ... This kind of player is the player who can develop the fastest ... but time spent in game and will be increased exponentially B. .. Fri ... If the application around your wine is huge ... and it can sell at high price ... of mines to extract low level and not enough consumption ... C. .. Crystal ... If you want to focus on research ... to supplement the crystal that you can upgrade troops, and rises to high levels academies D. .. Marble ... you do not have much time to play and want to raise the buildings to a larger ... in addition marble is always necessary and can be changed easily on any other type of resource you need 7 ... Obligatory marble city ... for the same reasons listed above town to town June 8 ... if you choose anything else instead of wine ... Fri 8 required the city ... If you like ... kind warrior builder marble, sulfur ... kind researcher, Crystal City 9 ... Required marble ... you'll need  City 10 ... If balance is satisfactory with confidence marble wine ... if not coming city 11 ... I recommend to keep it as a colony furniture Other account Tips for development: - build colonies more closely together ... preferably as much on the same island for short distance transport between islands ... the only exception to this rule is when you like a warrior attack much larger area - try to have a colony on the islands many wonders needed fight: Useful: the Colossus ... Spread opponent when the fight takes place in a city own b ... forge necessary to produce significant damage to more enemies c ... Poseidon need for shortening the travel trade and fleet of ships, if activated before being sent expedition ... for naval d ares to avoid spreading fleet Optional: Temple of Demeter .. only useful in times of war, when army recruit and destroy a very high rate, the faster increase in the number of citizens in cities Temple Hades ... only useful when fighting takes place on one of your cities and several units of resources consumed for recruiting ground ... destroyed their units are transformed into marble Temple of Athena ... until just in case a robbery ... protects up to 100% of the safety limit of resources warehouses Temple hermes ... increases speed up to 100% loading of goods in ports

Army Guide

army guide
Okay here we share the land battles  ... First I will show you how to army proportioned:
Assuming that you have a full army for 9 rounds, namely: 1500 Phalanx, 1300 swordsmen, 252 Rifle, 140 mortars, 30 rams, girocopters 180 balloons - 380 balloons without researched 180 bombers, 40 cooks and 40 doctors.
Why these figures? Simple ... at level 25 will enter a city: In line 1: 7 pixels x 50 x 9 Phalanx Phalanx = 350 = 3150 rounds of Phalanx Considering that activated when your opponent has forged lose on average 20 to 23 of 50 on each phalanx of the fallen. .. calculating the average of 23 Phalanx: Phalanx lost seven fallen x 23 x 9 rounds = 1449 1500 Phalanx Phalanx ... no ideal result for 9 rounds in line 2: 7 pixels = 84 x 12 Rifle shooters who fire three rounds ... follows that for 9 rounds we will need 3 x 84 = 252 shooters extremes: 6 boxes x 40 swordsmen to swordsmen x 9 = 240 = 2160 rounds swordsmen Considering that on average will lose between 21 and 23 of spades on the box, calculating loss of 23 swords will be: 6 pixels x 23 = 138 swordsmen swords lost lost x 9 rounds = 1242 swordsmen lost ... 1300 results swords so ideal number for 9 rounds Line 2: Aries very resistant against enemy bombers ... lasts up to 6-9 rounds if girocopters of your enemy bombers kill 5 Blocks x 6 = 30 ram ram enough for 9 rounds rams disadvantage is that the damage done .... but cripple wall against enemy bombers are pure gold. mortars .. . ideal and recommended against any wall ... but very expensive in terms of sulfur. 5 boxes x 6 mortars = 30 mortars per round, mortars that shoot 3 rounds before running out of ammo ... so 30 x 3 mortars = 90 mortars rounds in the ideal case where the opponent has no balloons balloons when your opponent has complicated the situation ... can lead to loss of 2, 4 or all 6 mortars per round depending on how many balloons kill your girocopters. ideal number assuming an average loss of three mortars missed the window will be: 3 mortars x 5 pixels = 15 x 9 round mortars missed the 135 mortar rounds = lost .. hence the ideal number for 9 rounds of e of 140 mortars
r air units: Girocopters we have 2 boxes x 30 = 60 girocopters gyros have 4 so for 9 rounds ammunition will be required 60 x 3 = 180 gyro girocopters when both you and your opponents balloons. When you run out of balloons, girocopters pull your opponent causing damage from 12 to 30 girocopteres in the box per round ... girocopters average of 42 lost as giro per round ... so result if you do not have balloons 42 x 9 rounds = 378 giro giro lost ... Hence the 380 gyro to recruit bombers (aka bubbles) we have 2 boxes x 15 balloons = 30 balloons that have ammo for 3 rounds ... so result in 3 x 30 balloons = 90 balloons when the opponent has no military component girocopter in keeping account ... now that the opponent has lost balloons in girocopters army are from 5 to 15 balloons per box per round ... we consider an average of 10 balloons 20 balloons box .. so lost in round x 9 rounds result in a total of 180 balloons. auxiliary units: Kitchens: Provide moral allied units. From their observations chef offers a 1% round moral  ... as maximum losses seen in battle were 35% and only in a single occasion the usual 45% ... 20 ... 25% per round ... 40 chefs will offer 40% morally what is more than enough wear all 9 rounds without involuntary desert army doctors: heal phalanx from line 1. From my own experience of doctors cure 40 to 97% of health phalanx of line 1. Las colleagues more experienced doctors to give more details about them. So with such a well-balanced army can stand by themselves without any problem on any city for 2 hours ... default 8 rounds .. While I say that a colleague more than enought area will pay to come and help.

Fleet Guide

Fleet Guide
Best. To have a balanced point of view of losses fleet must keep in mind the unfavorable situation
where the enemy has turned forging lev 5 and we do not have available:
- line 1 .. preferably be formed of steam rams. The largest battleground will have 7 slots of 5 rams steam, so in each round we will need 35 rams. In the most unfavorable situation, we will lose when the enemy has missile in line 3, 23 rams per round
- simple extremes ... rams. The largest battlefield will contain six rams in six slots in each round so we need 36 slots. In the most unfavorable situation, we lost 24 rams per round
- line 2 ... mortars. The largest battleground will have 7 slots each with six mortar rounds, each round so we need 42 mortars. We need to take account of their ammunition will end after five rounds. The only way you will lose is when you run out of extreme.
- line 3 ... you can choose between submarines and missiles. I recommend missiles for damage caused larger opponents in line 1. The largest battleground will have 5 slots each with five submarines in each round so we need 25 submarines, or 5 slots each with four rocket ship, so in each round we will need 20 rocket ships. In the most unfavorable situation, we will lose when the enemy has three ferry ship missile submarines or 6.
- AA ... is made ​​up of motor vessels. The largest battleground will have 2 slots of 15 ships each motor in each round so we need 30 motor ships. We need to take account of their ammunition will end after five rounds. The only way you will lose is when you run out ferry.
- ... is made ​​up of air ferry. The largest battleground will have 2 slots of 3 ferry, so in each round we will need six ferries. In the most unfavorable situation, we lost four ferries per round.
Considering all these aspects will have to recruit: Ship / No. rounds ----------- 5 -------- 10 ------ 15 ------- 20 ------ 25 ------ - 30--------- 35 ------- Aries steam -------- 150 ---- 380 ------ 265 495 ----- 725--------- 840 610 ----- 156 ------- 276 ------------------- Aries rocket ------------- 50 -------- 80 ----- 110 ----- 140 ----- 170 ------ 200- 230 -------- 26 -------- 46 --------------- ferry ------ 66 ------ 86 126--------- ------ 106 ----- 146 ------------ 30 -------- Motor Ship 60 - ---- 90 ----- 120 ----- 150 ------ 210 180--------- Note that mortierele, powered vessels and ferries can be rotated for major battles so it's advisable to be sent separately from line 1, 3 and extremes. The submarines have ammo for 4 rounds and rocket ships for 2, so as for large battles is advisable to send them separately in a different wave than line 1, 3 and extremes. recommend you take the 5 innings oriented players both land and naval version of 15 rounds the players focused on water, and 35-round version players focused on naval Gold discretion. Increase in recruited

Attack Guide

ikariam attackGuide the attack in waves.
the following scenario. 54:33 am on the island with all my army to the city Polis:
Army recruited me is: .............. Army left after 18 rounds of attacks in waves will be:
Phalanx: 5000. 2100 ......................................
Swordsman: 3900 ........ 1440 .............................
Shooters: ................. 504 504 ........................
death: ...................... 180 30 .....................
Girocoptere: ......................... 360 340 ............
bombers: .................................. 500 .300
Aries: ............................................. 60 .60
Cook: ............................................. 30 30
doctors: 40 .............................................. 40 ..
attack guide
On the island are allied with Polis1 cities: PolisA1, PolisA2, PolisA3, PolisA4. Start time of the fight is 12.00 at night and in the picture below last time that I should leave each wave, while it enters the fight having gone to the city during the first round he starts attending the same wave, the second and third round, the time when you should withdraw the troops see that time when that wave of soldiers out of combat time when that wave is withdrawn, and the time when that wave is again available on the city I attacked.
difference between attack and attack in waves classic is the classic attack that sends the entire army at once, large losses of bombers and mortars default, while the attack in waves that stay with enough bombers to make havoc in next rounds ... if not then you line 3 line 1

Below you how I divided the army in each wave and the soldiers would be included in each wave. As you see the brief note in the first 3 rounds but not mortar attack with rams. The first round I bombers, entering them in round 2 with a wave. Disadvantage, in the first three rounds losing a larger number than opponent phalanx, but the maximum losses are calculated under the worst when you complete all lines except bombers.
Note that doctors, chefs and rams buffer are sent in a separate wave which remains throughout the fight.
The losses are explained in the configuration guide of the army. I sent a sufficient number of soldiers in each wave so that as the end of three rounds in the worst conditions, that he forged in battle you have not filled all the slots in each line. Also notice that unlike the three lines with ammunition such as mortars, snipers, and gyros (which I rotate suddenly mortierele to not waste action points) bombers are withdrawn and returned round round to minimize losses.
attack in waves requires more time allocated to attack and attack planning capacity computing and much higher than simply attack the army send all at once, but have clear advantages such as a stay not ever run out of ammunition in lines 2 and 3 and airline losses than lower than your opponent to line 3 and bombers.